jp.ik is a pioneer in the development of technologies designed for Education, implementing innovative and personalised educational projects according to the needs of its partners.

The specificities of the social and cultural contexts of the communities in which they are integrated, always respecting their uniqueness, have meant that over the years the company has deserved several awards and recognitions.

Innovation is vital to the company’s mission and values, constituting a way to overcome the challenges we face with creativity and efficiency. We believe that the recognition of our equipments is synonymous that we are promoting innovation as a catalyst for our own success.

Manufacturer participating in the Green Electronics Council (GEC) 

Enquanto fabricante de GEC, estamos empenhados numa produção responsável, dando prioridade à eficiência energética, à redução de resíduos e à utilização de materiais ecológicos nos nossos produtos. Esta parceria reforça o nosso compromisso com a sustentabilidade e permite-nos oferecer soluções tecnológicas inovadoras que não só impulsionam o progresso, como também protegem o ambiente para as gerações futuras.

Porto Climate Pact | Porto City Hall

Together with the Municipality of Porto, we believe that sustainability is a responsibility of all, and therefore we intend to do our part to achieve the goals. We are daily looking for strategies to reduce our environmental impact as a company, whether through improvements in production processes, use of more sustainable technologies or support to local projects.

Intel Partner Alliance – Titanium OEM partner 2023

Membership in the Intel® Partner Alliance gives us exclusive opportunities and resources tailored to jp.ik.

jp.ik is a Titanium OEM partner 2023 and we receive enhanced lead generation and matchmaking tools and pre-launch product information.

Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics

This project, developed in partnership CATÓLICA-LISBON and BPI Fundação La Caixa, and with the support of the partners listed below, was launched in September 2021. It is a far-reaching project, which aims to study how large and small and medium-sized companies in Portugal are incorporating the 2030 Agenda into their business strategies.

gesci Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative

Non-profit organization founded in 2003 on the recommendation of the United Nations ICT Task Force. Education is a critical area that needs a strong development focus. GESCI’s mission is to support governments in the process of socio-economic development of their countries through the integration of technology for a sustainable future.

UN Global Compact

An initiative in the area of corporate citizenship, which originated from a proposal by the former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, in 2000. It is based on ten fundamental Principles, in the areas of human rights, labor practices, environmental protection and anti-corruption, and aims to promote the public and voluntary commitment of companies to comply with them.

OEA Organização dos Estados Americanos

International organization created in 1948, headquartered in Washington (United States), whose members are the 35 independent nations of the American continent.

GS1 Portugal

It is responsible for the introduction of barcoding in our country and represents 8,000 companies, ranging from micro, small and medium enterprises to multinationals. It collaborates with different sectors of activity and with public institutions, academia and regulators. Our mission is to develop Global Standards and promote the implementation of good logistics practices, contributing to make more efficient and sustainable the relationship between the various agents in the Value Chain, always with the goal of benefiting the final Consumer.