Skip to main content signs the Porto Climate Pact

By January 12, 2023February 10th, 2025News

The path towards carbon neutrality in Porto is demanding and calls for collective action in favor of common benefits. signed the Porto Climate Pact, an initiative of the Câmara Municipal do Porto, which aims to position Porto as a leader in climate action, creating a true communication of learning, knowledge, and mutual support in the aim of promoting the city’s carbon neutrality until 2030.

PORTO, January 06, 2023 – The Earth is the only home we have, so our mission must be to protect it. Moreover, we must remember that we are all responsible for the fate of our home! believes that we have influence when it comes to contributing to the sustainability of our planet. This membership is made with commitment, seeing it as another essential pillar in the mission in the social and corporate responsibility mission that has committed itself to fulfill over its 33 years of existence.

Since 2017, has been implementing several initiatives to combat climate change, such as the efficient use of resources, waste treatment, energy saving and the promotion of carbon neutrality, in all its production and business units. The electricity used in the facilities comes from renewable sources, which brings several advantages, as it does not pollute the atmosphere, the soil and uses sources that do not run out. Solar panels have been installed on the roof of the headquarters, reducing energy costs, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. With these initiatives has already avoided the emission of more than 880 kg of CO2 and 35% of the energy used by the company comes from solar panels.

Today, consumers are looking for more and more information about the sustainability of the products they buy, and therefore the role of companies becomes more relevant. Since January 2022, jp.ik equipment has adopted packaging certified by the Forest Stewardship Council made from sustainably cultivated forests and recyclable plastic.

It’s a great honor to know that we can make a difference and make the world we live in more sustainable and healthy, and it’s very gratifying to know that the effort we make every day is rewarded. In this sense, in June 2021, jp.ik obtained the Environmental Certification – ISO 14001:2015.

“In addition to the actions mentioned above, I am pleased to share that since 2016 JP Sá Couto reaffirms its support for the seventeen Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. As a Group, our commitment to the Climate Pact means that every day we will be careful to look closely at our actions to continuously improve the integration of this Pact into our principles, our business strategy, our culture, and our operations. of our companies. We are also committed to sharing this information with our stakeholders using our main communication channels”, Jorge Sá Couto, Chairman of JP Sá Couto.


About jp.ik

Strategic partner of major players in the sector, such as Microsoft and Intel, jp.ik develops innovative solutions in the field of Technologies Applied to Education, always being one step ahead of other global companies. With more than 30 years of experience in the development and distribution of technological solutions, in 2008, jp.ik implemented the world’s first national education technology initiative. This initiative was pioneering, as it guaranteed universal access to technological equipment and access to information. So far, jp.ik technological projects have impacted 16 million students and 300,000 teachers in over 70 countries. Visit to learn more.