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jp.ik in the XX Virtual Educa Argentina

By September 1, 2018July 26th, 2022News

“Educando el presente, conectando al futuro” was the theme chosen for this International Encounter promoted by Virtual Educa, which is already in its 20th edition.
This great five-day International Meeting dedicated to Innovation for Education brought together members of Latin American governments in the areas of Education and Information and Communication Technologies, academic experts in these areas of action, teachers and educators, as well as major world players in the sector.

For jp.ik, Latin America continues to be a strategically important region in the context of business development and, therefore, participation in this type of events with great projection in this region is proportionately relevant.
In fact, and recalling the words of Jorge Sá Couto, Chairman of jp.ik, “our path towards internationalization has started in the region of Latin America, one of the most active regions in terms of the integration of ICT in education, and with which we maintain a close relationship. The tablets and laptops purpose-built for education appear more and more in classrooms, but there is still a lot to do and the teacher training for optimal use of technologies in a learning context is one of the areas to invest.
For five days, the jp.ik booth was attended by governmental representatives from Education and Information and Communication Technologies, potential private partners for innovation in Education, academic experts, teachers, educators and students.


The Opening Ceremony of this XX International Meeting of Virtual Educa was one of the highlights of this event and the hosts of this Session were the Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of Argentina Alejandro Finocchiaro; the Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires Horacio Rodrígues Larreta and the Secretary-General of Virtual Educa José María Antón.

In his speech, José María Antón recalled that the purpose of the international meetings promoted by Virtual Educa is “to boost innovation in Education with the aim of promoting social transformation and sustainable development.”
The Secretary-General of Virtual Educa also emphasized the importance of technology in the context of Education: “technological advancement translates into what a computer can do, that is, evolve from an Information and Knowledge Society to a Society of the Imagination and of Creativity.”

For Alejandro Finocchiaro, “education builds wealth and promotes economic, cultural, educational and moral development.” As for the Virtual Educa International Meeting in Argentina, the Minister of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of Argentina points out that this is an opportunity for Argentina to “dialogue with the experiences of other countries. The changes are global and public policies are more effective with international cooperation.” 

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta recalled that “if we think of children who are in primary school today, when they finish school they will have jobs that do not yet exist today. And, therefore, education must innovate and be updated at the same pace.”

Parallel to the XX International Meeting of Virtual Educa was held the IX Multilateral Forum on Education and Innovation whose main purpose is to stimulate spaces for reflection and analysis of the educational panorama of the XXI century with a focus on innovation as a strategic pillar for inclusion and sustainable development.

jp.ik participated in the second panel of the third day of the event dedicated to the theme “Public-private cooperation in Education and Innovation”; thus taking advantage of this opportunity to share the technology-based education projects successfully implemented in this region of Latin America, but also in the African region.

In this session moderated by Pablo Langa, Managing Partner of EDT Partners, also participated Mariana Maggio, Senior Teacher Engagement Manager LATAM of Microsoft Argentina; Michael Harrison, Global Manager, Intel Education / Software; Sergio Ramos of GENIUS PLAZA and Jorge Yzusqui, General Manager of the Innova Schools network of Peruvian colleges.


At this Meeitng, jp.ik presented the portfolio of devices purpose-built for education and the Popup School – an ecological, potentially sustainable, durable and resistant solution that seeks to respond to the need for quality school infrastructures with a multifaceted nature, as it can be used as a community center, vocational training center or medical center outside of school hours. 


The establishment of strategic partnerships with the firm goal of adding a solid layer of value contributed to the success of some of the major technology-based educational projects implemented by jp.ik.

 Therefore, during the XX International Meeting of Virtual Educa, jp.ik hosted in its stand one of its most recent partners, Code for All, which provides a solution with results aimed at the young students to learn how to program with proven learning benefits.


Finally, the International Meeting promoted every year by Virtual Educa have won the title of world reference for the debate, reflection and sharing of Good Practices for innovation in Education with the purpose of contributing to an authentic social transformation.