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jp.ik partners with Microsoft to scale adaptive accessories for Education market

By March 22, 2023February 10th, 2025News

jp.ik and Microsoft announce another partnership initiative to make available Microsoft’s adaptive accessories for Education students and teachers worldwide.

Porto, March, 2023 – There are millions of special needs students and teachers around the world whom could find in technology great solutions to meet their needs. Unfortunately, this type of technology is not widely available or if so can be costly.

With the development and launch of adaptive accessories Microsoft targets to tackle exactly those challenges. JP.IK now joints Microsoft on this initiative to make the adaptive accessories available together with its education purpose solutions and in markets where they are currently not available.

The Microsoft adaptive accessories focus on motor special needs, and include a mouse, adaptive mouse trail and thumb support, d-pad button, joystick and dual button. This initiative makes Microsoft adaptive accessories available to students and teachers around the world.

More about Microsoft accessibility products

The Inclusive Tech Lab is a Microsoft space dedicated to inclusive modern life and education, accessible productivity, and gaming for people with disabilities. Crafted to be an expression of Microsoft’s commitment to the disability community. Microsoft hosted over 8,000 visitors and introduced them to our Microsoft Inclusive Design methods via informative tours, collaborative workshops, and inclusive design sprints. Microsoft strives to encourage designers and engineers to intentionally include people with disabilities in the products, services, and games they create. For more details, please check the following website: Accessible Devices & Products for PC & Gaming | Assistive Tech Accessories – Microsoft Store

You can find the accessible accessories on ICC Capital Suite 2, level 3, on South Hall, at Excel London, at Bett, 29th to 31st March 2023.



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